
This FREE early literacy workshop focuses on the importance of reading to children, laying a foundation for getting children ready to read, and how to use free resources found in the local library. The curriculum is built upon the Six Early Literacy Skills recommended by the National Research Council. Each skill will be explored through a variety of fun activities and practical examples. The skills developed are appropriate for use with children ages 2 years through kindergarten.
A free Literacy Kit containing books and materials will be provided for each classroom, in order to build on-site libraries and support the teaching of early literacy skills.
Three IdahoSTARS credits are available at no cost for participants who wish to submit a Reflective Evaluation after the workshop. The workshop is three hours, with a short break.

For registration or questions contact Kim Bryant at kimb@ifpl.org or call 612-8355. Registration must include your name, organization, and contact information.  Seats are limited. Please register early!

Idaho Falls Public Library is located at 457 W. Broadway in downtown Idaho Falls. The main entrance and parking on located on the building’s south side, between Park Ave. and Capitol Ave.